Managing Your Personal Soundscapes
As an audiologist and speech-language pathologist, I routinely talk to patients about ways to optimize the sound environment for communication and ease of listening. People often do not realize how many different sounds are contained in their personal soundscapes. What’s more, they may not know how those sounds can impact their day-to-day lives, either positively or negatively. Environmental noises can significantly affect many aspects of functioning in daily life, such as the ability to communicate effectively, relax, or concentrate. Environmental sounds impact various aspects of life in a variety of ways. Many people do not know where to start when it comes to actively and intentionally crafting their personal soundscapes.
Akoio recognized the need for education in this area. Akoio created a new series of hearing guides called “Managing Your Soundscapes”. This series educates and supports people in their ability to actively control their soundscapes. These new guides will be a great educational resource for people who want to infuse more peaceful, positive sounds into their environments while reducing the presence of detrimental noise.
Background noise disproportionately impacts individuals with hearing loss. This causes them to experience greater difficulty with understanding speech compared to those with typical hearing. For that reason, this series will be particularly useful for people with hearing loss and their families. The “Managing Your Soundscapes” series can empower anyone to take control of their communication and listening environments.
How to Talk About Hearing Loss: Another Akoio® Guide Series
This series will be an excellent addition to existing Akoio Guides focused on hearing loss. The “How to Talk About Hearing Loss” series of Akoio Guides is a useful educational resource for individuals with hearing loss. The guides are also useful for family members and other communication partners. Akoio recognized the challenges surrounding conversations about hearing loss. Five guides were developed to support individuals in their ability to have meaningful, effective discussions about hearing loss.

Conversation about hearing loss can be difficult to start. The Akoio Guides offer readers the words to use to start the conversation. As well as tips to keep the communication positive, helpful, and meaningful for those with hearing loss and those around them. Individuals with hearing loss frequently have different perspectives than their significant others on communication and associated difficulties. Therefore, Akoio developed different guides addressing multiple points of view and communication situations. The guides were updated in 2022 to ensure that people have access to the most up-to-date recommendations and information about hearing health care.
How to Talk to Your Parent About Hearing Loss
Adult children may notice that an aging parent is having hearing problems. This tends to happen before the parent notices or willingly admits communication difficulties. Initiating a conversation about hearing loss with a parent can be awkward and uncomfortable. The “How to Talk to Your Parent About Hearing Loss” guide provides useful suggestions for gently bringing up the topic of hearing loss, hearing evaluations and hearing aids. The guide also offers useful technology and home improvement options. These options can be helpful for individuals with hearing difficulties.
How to Talk to Your Teen About Hearing Loss

The teenage years are challenging for everyone. Hearing loss adds additional considerations. Teenagers may begin to exhibit resistance to using hearing devices and other hearing assistive technology, even if they regularly used them as a child. Teenagers with hearing loss are also trying to navigate difficult academic and social situations. The “How to Talk to Your Teen About Hearing Loss” guide provides helpful suggestions for broaching sensitive topics with your teenager and providing necessary support and encouragement.
How to Talk to Your Family About Your (Own) Hearing Loss
Learning how to advocate for yourself and your communication needs can take time. The “How to Talk to Your Family About Your Hearing Loss” guide provides strategies for initiating conversations with families and other communication partners. It is important to discuss the impacts of hearing loss with significant others. This ensures optimal, effective communication between all parties involved.
How to Talk to Someone Who Has Hearing Loss
According to the National Institute on Deafness and Other Communication Disorders, approximately 15% of American adults have hearing difficulties. Despite the fact that hearing loss is a prevalent disability, many people do not understand the effects of hearing loss on communication. The “How to Talk to Someone Who Has Hearing Loss” guide provides useful tips for interacting with individuals with hearing loss. It offers a variety of communication strategies. The guide provides ideas for optimizing the environment for effective communication. Additionally, it includes suggestions for how to speak and engage in conversation. This improves the likelihood of being understood by the person with hearing loss.
Questions You Should Ask Your Audiologist
After making the decision to consult an audiologist and get help for your hearing loss, you may still be unsure of what to expect at the evaluation. The “Questions You Should Ask Your Audiologist” guide provides an overview of things to consider when finding an audiologist that meets your needs. It also outlines the different tests you can expect as part of the audiological evaluation. This guide will help ease your concerns. It will help you seek help for hearing loss and pursue hearing technology. Furthermore, it will provide insight and demystify the process.

Soundscapes & Effective Communication About Hearing Loss
The Akoio guides are very useful resources. They provide people with the knowledge and confidence needed to effectively discuss hearing loss and manage your personal soundscapes. Everyone deserves to experience the best possible communication. Readers can use the information provided in the guides to take active steps to improve their conversational interactions and listening environments.