What does Focus mean at Akoio?
Focus can be explained in many ways - but we feel that it all boils down to the ability to choose to concentrate on one ‘thing’ while choosing to ignore ‘other things.’ This may be a task, a conversation, a person… heck, it can even be this article. You may be reading these words, but are you taking them in and comprehending them? Translating it in your mind to make it relevant for you? If not, we suggest starting over. F O C U S.
Focus (or lack thereof) has a direct effect on your output and productivity. We are often told that we need to be multi-taskers, taking it all on at once so we can be the most productive, especially when it comes to work. However, research shows that this attitude is actually making us less productive.
Think about a recent accomplishment of yours. What made you successful? What challenged you? Perhaps both of those were directly impacted by your ability to focus.
So, what gets in the way of focus?
And more importantly, why can’t I focus?
There are so many distractions to choose from in this world, but here at Akoio, we address one of the most common… N O I S E. It’s noisy in every part of our lives. Not just physical noise, but mental noise as well. We need to train our brains to tune in and tune out, simultaneously. This is tough work! We live in an age of immediacy. Every ping, notification, text, call, post; it all takes us away from what we are trying to focus on.
The perceived urgency to react or respond is a major focus-buster. So what can we do about it? Remove the noise. (This is precisely where Akoio wants to help.)
Think about your personal Soundscape - the sounds around you. What are they at home? At work? How about when you are socializing? Is there noise around you? Identify if there are sounds that help you focus…perhaps ambient music or your favorite punk band. Maybe nature sounds. Maybe silence. Whatever it may be, have a think on it and take it for a test drive while you are committed to being a task-master. It may just help you focus more.