Jamie is a “work-from-home-er”. They have a dedicated space in their home with great natural light, ample space, and probably one too many computer screens. However, it’s noisy as hell, because while they’re working at home, life goes on all around them. This means their partner is running all over the house, their 2 children are arguing with each other and there’s endless construction going on outside on their busy street – and they are trying to take a video call with their CEO. They shared that all this noise is affecting their work life, home life, and stress levels. The only real time they get to themself is when the kids are asleep, and they can zone out to play some video games. Did you know there are products that can actually HELP with this? Let’s start with the home office. While a supportive chair and sit/stand desk are important to keep your body at ease, there are solutions to keep your mind at ease too. Let’s start, HEAR…